Senin, 29 September 2014

mission trip bandung with campus ministry team

mission trip dari beberapa tim persekutuan mahasiswa kristen (PMK) ini kerja sama : 
campus network 
tim misi alumni

kami melayani desa  paling tidak bisa dijangkau oleh berita injil karena mereka menututup pintu , hampir 10 tahun daerah ini terkenal karena mereka sangat protektif dan penolakan dari hal christian, beberapa gereja ditutup paksa.
hampir 400 orang yang kami layani dalam medis dan dokter gigi, juga selama 2 hari kami datang penduduk desa rumah, berdoa, mengunjungi mereka, menunjukkan kepada mereka apa itu kasih, selama 2 hari banyak warga desa menjatuhkan air mata mereka, dan mengucapkan terima kasih atas kebaikan kita, bahkan mereka meminta kami untuk datang kembali dan melayani mereka lagi.

we dont bring christian, we became the gospel and bring Love of Christ Jesus for them. we dont make them christian, we make them as disciples of Jesus, because we are disciples of Christ Jesus 

mission trip of some teams fellowship of Christian students this cooperation: 
campus network 
alumni mission team 

we serving the most unreach village, almost 10 years this area is well known because they very protective and rejection of christian things, several histroy church was force to shutdown, 
almost 400 people we served in medical and dentist, also for 2 days we came to villagers house, to pray, visit them, show them what is love, these 2 days, many villagers drop their tears, and say thank you for our kindness, even they ask us to come back and serving them again. 

we dont bring christian, We Became the gospel and bring Love of Christ Jesus for them. we dont the make them Christian, we make-them as Disciples of Jesus, Because We are Disciples of Jesus Christ

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